From wage cuts to war
From wage cuts to war - Serbo-Croat translation
The Class Nature of Sanctions
The Class Nature of Sanctions - Serbo-Croat translation
The Inhumanity of Humanitarian Aid
Pacific NW Paralysed by Mass Strike
Against Prisons by Catherine Baker
New World Order: the Rhetoric and the Reality
Correspondence with Julio Wicks
The Great "Civilisation" Debate Continues...
How Wild is Wildcat? Anti-Civilization Discussion
How the Media Assist State Murder
Somalian Proletariat Vs. The New World Order
Review of a book by John Zerzan
Would Bomber Harris Join Anti-Fascist Action?
A Parody of the Materialist Conception of History, Defending Christopher Columbus
A Discussion of Ecology and Earth First!
Economic Jargon Translated Into a Proletarian Perspective
Letters, Correspondence and Responses
" sneer at our rulers and see how they fail..."
A Critical Look at the Origins of Trade Unionism
Opportunism Knocks: Debate on Ireland
Satanic Child Abusers in Crack Addiction shock
Analysis of the New World Order
Review of Perlman's Against His-story, Against Leviathan!
Ten Days That Didn't Overthrow Capitalism - an Analysis of the Russian Revolution, Part One
Class Struggle Against Repression and Democracy in South Africa
Critique of the Trafalgar Square Defendants' Campaign
1789 And All That - A Critical Look At The French Revolution
Ten Days That Shook Iraq - the class struggle during the first Gulf War
Outside and Against the Unions
A Talk Given by Wildcat Against Democracy
A Discussion on Whether the Concept of 'Imperialism' is Useful
A Review of a Pamphlet on the Struggle Against the Poll Tax in Britain
Open Letter to Comrade Lenin by Herman Gorter, 1920.
Send £3 in cash, stamps or money orders to the London address.
We have often been asked why we published Gorter's Open Letter.
Now we have an answer, with the publication of the Open Letter
and, much more importantly, our introduction, in Turkish. Turkey is one
of those countries where Lenin and the Bolsheviks are still taken seriously
by genuine anti-capitalist militants. This translation should help:
Gorter's Open Letter to Comrade Lenin in Turkish with Wildcat's Introduction
Outside and Against the Unions is a response to a trade union hack, mostly about the miners' strike in Britain. Send£1 or $2 to the London address.
Fascism/Anti-fascism by Jean Barrot. This is available on PC disk (1.44M 3.5" unless otherwise specified) from the London address for £2.
Please address all correspondence to the London address.
Write only as follows, without putting Wildcat on the envelope:
Here is a new review of Fredy Perlman's Against His-story, Against Leviathan!
A review of Jim Goad's The Redneck Manifesto
A flyer we gave out at a meeting addressed by Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center
An update on Oklahoma City conspiracy theories
Our thoughts on the Unabomber case
Washington Post complains about Green Anarchy publishing Kaczynski's writings
Feb 1999: We have just published "Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections" by John Zerzan on the web:
Section One - Before Civilization
Section Two - The Coming of Civilization
Section Three - The Nature of Civilization
Section Four - The Pathology of Civilization
Section Five - The Resistance to Civilization
It is a reminder of the permanent struggle against Civilization. From Hesiod on through primitivists of today, via Rousseau, William Morris and Fourier, it is clear that opposition to Civilization is as old and continuous as the beast itself. The collection is available for $9.95 from Uncivilized Books, PO Box 11331, Eugene OR 97440, USA.
Debate between Z Magazine and John Zerzan on Primitivism, June 2002.